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robert pattinson lax

Article by: Karen Albano
Photo: Radar 
Welcome back Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart... err, where's the baby? Haha, just kidding!

Okay, the rumoured couple, and stars of the upcoming movie 'Twilight Saga: Eclipse' was spotted arriving at Los Angeles International Airport on Wednesday. Rob and Kristen just finished taping of Oprah Winfrey Show in Chicago, where the British actor jokes about K-Stew being pregnant, haha! That's why I'm asking.. where's the baby? Check out the video of Robsten in LAX here. Warning, a lot of security guards were spotted!

Oh by the way, where's my baby Taylor Lautner who looked so hot in the new 'Eclipse' trailer. Taylor showed his chocolate abs and very hot arms, and I love his facial expression on his line: "I'm here to warn you," LOL, check it out below! Plus, the 'leader' of the army of vampires is also cute - Xavier Samuel.