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Article by: Carlo Diokno
Photo: TMZ
Miley Cyrus continues to shock the world! After the release of her raunchy video 'Can't Be Tamed', Miley grabs the top buzz again with another video, this time, it's a 'home video', and it's so dirty!

TMZ obtained the exclusive tape, showing the under-aged Miley Cyrus dirty dancing with 'The Last Song' producer Adam Shankman. According to Popeater, "the people who shot the video say they were offended and many people left the party because there were young children in attendance." Okay, let's be fair, looks like Miley is just having fun, but you judge her 'fun time', check out the video below:

Shankman is an openly gay man, and looks like Miley Cyrus and her movie producer is so close, that they danced too close for comfort! 

My final say: No comment, haha!