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mel gibson and oksana

Article by: Rumer Certeza
Photo: Fame 
Mel Gibson is no lethal weapon now that an alleged mistress has spilled the beans.

National Enquirer reveals, as told by porn producer Violet Kowal, that she and 'The Passion of Christ' director were involved in a 3 month affair while girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva was pregnant at the time.

The Polish filmmaker even claimed that Gibson had slept with her eight times (she is keeping count!) in 2009, in which their 'hotspots' included both the actor's Malibu home and Santa Monica office.

Kowal, 26, isn't at all surprised with Mel's breakup with Grigorieva, stating that the actor clearly can't stay glued to just one damsel. Hope you're reading this, Tiger and Jamesy.

If you can recall, ex-galpal Grigorieva issued a rather intriguing statement in a press conference last month, immediately after she split up with the actor-director.

"I can tell you that - we have split up, suddenly and recently. Unfortunately, I cannot give you the reason. But you will find out everything quite soon," the Russian musician disclosed back then, mystery solved.

Gibson and Grigorieva has a 5-month old daughter named Lucia.

When the cat's away, the little mice will play. Or even with the cat around.