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heroes tv series

Article by: Rumer Certeza

TV series 'Heroes' won't be around to save the world from mayhem anymore.

After four seasons, NBC has officially cancelled once popular TV series 'Heroes' due to it's 'misty' future.

Hollywood Reporter states that the network had been quite skeptical as to whether the show would still possess the fire to go the distance, even a wrap up final episode.

On May 14, it has been officially announced that the curtains will close on the series, although sources inform Hollywood Reporter that the door is still open to talks of a final episode, with either a special or a movie.

Heroes exploded onto the screen back in its 2006 debut and quickly became one of the biggest talked about television series. Its popularity would give birth to merchandising, books and online components.

Yet entering its second season, the show would encounter inconsistencies plus a decline in its narrative twist. Troubles brewed, such as characters getting killed and ressurected like some sickening habit. Everything went around in circles.

Viewers and loyal followers strongly felt that the second season of 'Heroes' failed in living up to the intensity of season one. They even held creator/executive producer Tim Kring responsible for the show's condition.

NBC had opted for several new shows as considerable replacement such as superhero dramas, 'The Cape' and 'The Event.'

Even superheroes lose their touch.