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robert pattinson

Article by: Carlo Diokno
Photo: Fame
Robert Pattinson's new Bel Ami photo is one of the hottest topics of fans. Rob, 23, showed that he's truly one of the sexiest movie hunk, showing-off his sex appeal with co-star Uma Thurman. No wonder Kristen Stewart visited Rob in Budapest after the filming the movie, jealousy? Haha.. I don't think so, but there's a possibility.

Anyway, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart's Oprah Show guesting created even more buzzes. According to reports, Robert joked about Kristen being pregnant after he was asked by Winfrey if they're dating. Rob's reaction is a clear proof that he's aware of the gossips surfacing the internet. The pregnancy rumour started in land down under. An Aussie tabloid reported last year that Kristen 'might be pregnant', well, quite.

Rob and Kristen are currently in US after re-shooting some important scenes of 'Twilight Saga: Eclipse' in Vancouver City, Canada. The movie will hit the cinemas worldwide in June.