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kristen stewart met gala

Article by: Carlo Diokno
Photo: Fame
Fans are buzzing on Kristen Stewart's Met Gala dress.. and the best part is, fans think Rob must intervene on Kristen's next event dress, ahaha!

Kristen Stewart - star of the upcoming film 'Twilight Saga: Eclipse' irritated some so-called critics after attending an event in New York City, wearing a black Chanel gown. Some think K-Stew is 'trying too hard' and 'lacks personality'.

What's wrong with her dress? I think it's a little weird though, and doesn't fit with her personality, but she's still a star who can wear anything, in my opinion.

A contributor of Gather.com, thinks Kristen's dress is an 'eye sore', and added: "Would he (Robert Pattinson) approve of his girlfriend's bad style choice? R-Patz doesn't seem like the judgmental type." Rob, currently in US after the re-shoot of 'Eclipse' in Vancouver, was noticeably absent from the event, and fans are playing with the idea that Rob skipped the event because of K-Stew's gown, LOL. 

Check out the photo, the gown looked much better if she removed the black see-thru thingy (sorry I'm not a fashion expert) at the bottom of her dress, IMO again!

My final say: Kristen looks better with jeans and tees, but she needs to wear a gown because it's a formal event. It's really hard to be a celebrity, poor Kristen.