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michael jordan

Article by: Rumer Certeza
Photo: Fame
Just when Tiger Woods is on a roll with his damsels in distress, divine intervention steps in. Well not exactly, only his 'airness' retired basketball demigod, Michael Jordan.

According to a book by sports writer Robert Lusetich entitled 'Unplayable,' Michael Jordan is mentioned as how the NBA legend advised golfer Tiger Woods, to keep himself under control with regards to his constant womanizing, that made his private life miserable.

According to a source who was present, Jordan had read a text message from Tiger, and shook his head with pity saying that the ace golfer had grown "out of control."

Reports News.com.au, The basketball star had tried to talk to Woods into being more discreet, while at the Kingston Heath Golf course in Australia, but the golfer refused to listen to advice.

In the book, Lusetich also claims in the text that Woods had attempted to buy the silence of his affair with Rachel Uchitel from being exposed.

Nobody does it like Mike! Pay attention, Tiger. The show is over!