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Joaquin Phoenix as the Hulk in the Avengers?!
Article by: Rumer Certeza

joaquin phoenix

Joaquin Phoenix As The Hulk?
Photo: Fame Pictures
Puny human. HULK SMASH!!

Okay, a lot of twists and turns lately for the big green dude in the 'Avengers.' Just when Edward Norton was set to reprise his role and get real angry, Marvel gives him the super-boot!

Despite protests to have Eric Bana (the man fits the role to a 't') re-morph into the Hulk, Marvel Studios have taken an entirely different route and have began courting Joaquin Phoenix to play the part, although the actor has yet to respond to the offer.

So, are the big bosses doing a Robert Downey Jr? As you all know, the 'Iron Man' star was previously plagued with drug-related problems and have gone through several rehab joints, so producers took a giant risk when they invested on Downey as the metal superhero. And boy, would they have forever sleepless nights if they gave the actor the thumbs down sign!

Same with Joaquin Phoenix, the younger brother of the late big star, River, and popularly known for films such as 'Walk the Line' and 'The Village,' and having played the part of the cruel emperor Commodus in 2000's 'The Gladiator.' But all that's history.

Actor Joaquin Phoenix

Click the gallery icon to view more images of Joaquin Phoenix 

Besides calling it quits with acting to pursue an alleged career in rap (a hoax, according to critics) the only less-than-worthwhile thing that's kept the actor busy is supposedly promoting his Casey Affleck-directed documentary, or mockumentary more like it, where it involves a hater defecating on him while he's asleep. Okay. Now I'm in no mood for my fudgee bar!

This would definitely mean a big boost for Joaquin's waning career if he decides to bite into the bait. It's better than having s--t all over you!

Or they could go with Mel Gibson instead, as the Hulk himself. This way, you won't have to go with all that CGI madness.

Peace Mel, love you buddy! Uh-oh, I made you angry..