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Tiger Woods vs Elin Nordegren: ex-wifey will score 100 million big ones!
Article by: Rumer Certeza

elin nordegren-woods

Elin Nordegren-Woods, Prettiness!
Photo: Fame Pictures

Elin's calculator might need new batteries computing the amount of green she'll be raking in!

Okay, so the alleged $750 million paycheck is confirmed inaccurate according to TMZ, adding that ace womanizer Tiger Woods is not even worth the said amount, but somewhere between $500 to $600 million. Your dollar ratings getting rusty, old buddy?

In fact, one report has surfaced that the money-meter in this divorce settlement has struck $100,000 million, definitely no peanuts but a far cry from the original claim of 750 million smackeroos. TMZ also elaborates that the $100 million mark does not include child support.

As of this writing, no confirmation has been made regarding the specific amount allocated for child support. But I'm sure ex-wifey's legal people are sniffing out every penny from Tiger's fat purse. Spare some loose change, Elin!

And of course, not to forget the casanova golfer's classy cribs. Dig in, Mrs. Woods, you earned it. Do I hear sobbing in the background?

And the court saga continues. With a lot of flapping dollar signs!

Extra: Lady Gaga closes in to 10 million Facebook followers!

Fans are really going gaga over Lady Gaga, and they're still growing on Facebook!

Yup, yup! According to British website Famecount, the pop/fashion icon continues to draw in those die-hards, and it wont be long till she becomes the first living person to log in 10 million Facebook fans.

In fact miss Poker Face just edged out President Barack Obama as the most popular living person on Facebook on June 25. The Commander-in-chief owes you a gun salute, cupcake!

Currently, Lady G still trails five entities which are all non-living people, namely, the late king of pop Michael Jackson, the game Mafia Wars, the Family Guy TV show, Texas Hold 'em Poke and Facebook itself.

Mmm. I'll see if I can gather up my homies to vote for you. How many more million do you need, Lady G?