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Paris Hilton: drug charges dismissed by South African court! Lindsay Lohan's birthday gift: a punch in the face!
Article by: Rumer Certeza

paris hilton drug charges south africa

Paris Hilton, so pretty!
Photos: Fame Pictures

It's definitely a close call for the blonde heiress during the World Cup incident!

Paris Hilton recently visited the slammer following a showdown between Netherlands and Brazil when a friend of hers was found possessing marijuana, according to her publicist. By the way, Brazil lost!

Eventually, A South African court has dropped drug charges and accusations were due to a 'slight' misunderstanding. The socialite's friend, however, was sentenced to pay a fine or spend 30 days in jail, as disclosed by reports.

Reveals the 'Hottie and the Nottie' star's spokeswoman, "I can confirm that the incident was a complete misunderstanding and it was actually another person in the group who did it. The case has been dropped against Paris and no charges will be made."

Paris, who sported a beige dress and a sparkler of a necklace, thanked the court before leaving the premises.

It has been recalled that 'Hottie' Hilton previously spent 45 days behind bars after a US court sentenced her for drunk and reckless driving in 2007.

After 25 days of being locked up, the star even told Larry King about re-evaluating her life and devoting to more charity work and less partying.

So I guess you still need to do more re-evaluating, sweetie!

Extra: Lindsay Lohan's birthday gift: a punch in the face!

lindsay lohan punch birthday waitress

Lindsay Lohan Smiles! 

Talk about birthday surprises. This wasn't exactly what Lindsay Lohan wished for when she hit 24. And boy, was that a hit!

Yup, out of nowhere, the troubled media queen gets it in the kisser from a waitress who was probably too excited to see her.

According to the 'Freaky Friday' star's Tweet on Friday morning, her 24th birthday, "A waitress just hit me - punched me for no reason." Despite this, no confirmation has been made on the alleged attack.

Yet a witness, who was present during the occasion, revealed on Us Magazine that the waitress's mean swing was sparked by jealousy over Lohan hanging out with Paris Hilton's ex-boyfriend, Doug Reinhardt. Mmm. A die hard.

Or..it could be that Lohan's SCRAM device went off and annoyed the waitress.

I'm sorry I can't make it, pumpkin. Tied up for now, but I'll make it up to you. Happy birthday! Mmmwa!