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Suffering Sucatash! Mel Gibson lashes a mouthful at ex-girlfriend!
Article by: Rumer Certeza

Mel Gibson and Oksana Grigorieva: Love Turns Ugly!
Photo: Fame Pictures


Mel Gibson proves he's a real-life Lethal Weapon with that 'AK-47' mouth of his. With the recent violent outburst, the actor can create his own dictionary of curse words!

Yup, certainly no brakes for the 'Passion of the Christ' director. According to Radaronline.com, 54-year-old Mel pulled no punches with the mother of his lovechild, Oksana Grigorieva, and fired away a mouthful of one of the most racist and repulsive remarks ever captured on tape.

In an ongoing legal battle between the estranged couple, Mel's uncontrollable fits of rage only supported his ex-girlfriend's claims of violent behavior on the Australian-born actor's part. And surely, that audio tape doesn't lie!

The 'Ransom' star's volcanic fury evolved from a series of intense arguments with Oksana, who have been going at each other's throats for the past several weeks in this never-ending custody scuffle over their infant daughter, Lucia.

Okay, I don't want to hold back the suspense folks, so I'll give you reported samples of Mel's creative masterpiece:

"You look like a f---ing pig in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of n---ers, it will be your fault!"

"How dare you act like such a bitch when I have been so f--king nice!"

And there were even instances that Mel referred to his ex as being a "whore and "c--nt."

To top it off, the actor gave a chilling warning, "I am going to come and burn the f--king house down...but you will blow me first!"

I guess I'll stop there. So anyways, this is going to be one heck of a custody battle. As I mentioned previously, my priority is the welfare and best interests of the child who doesn't have a ------- clue on what's going on! (you'll never guess what that censored part is!)

Let cooler heads please prevail!