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Oprah Winfrey's biography: translated into a TV movie?
Article by: Rumer Certeza

oprah winfrey biography book
O, my! The big 'O' to yak it up on film!

Finally! It's been a while, but Hollywood have given the green light to finally push through with a TV biopic on the bigger-than-life queen of talk, Oprah Winfrey!

Guess you all remember Kitty Kelley's controversial biography on the yak diva not long ago, which drew in major public scrutiny. Well, Oprah's going to thank the author for this (probably reward her an ipad or a set of wheels!) now that the rights of the book have been acquired by Filmmaker Larry A. Thompson.

Thompson shows his fascination over Oprah's journey from the rural areas of Mississipi to the world stage, which is overflowing with basic truths yet complicated personalities.

Adds the producer, "Casting someone to play Oprah will be the real challenge. We are planning to audition both known and unknown actresses." You better start making phone calls to Queen Latifah and Michelle Marshall, Larry.


Click the gallery icon to view more images of Oprah Winfrey 

Definitely, you would be getting the cold shoulder from the talk queen with regards to specific details on the project, which will be released sometime IN 2011. There's still no love lost between the big 'O' and Kitty when the book made its debut earlier this year.

Oprah gave the author a piece of her mind, branding the book as a "so-called biography," indirectly suggesting that most of the contents were fabricated stories. Get over it, miss 'O.' You're the mega queen and she's just a harmless wannabe. You gotta spread the love. And the fame!

Ever thought of including Ellen in the film, Larry? Okay, bad idea!

Extra: George Steinbrenner Dead at 80!

New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner

George Steinbrenner (L). Click the gallery icon to view more photos! 

Sad news, New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner died Tuesday of a heart attack at his Tampa home. 

Popeater writes: Steinbrenner, 80 years old at his death, transcended sports to become a pop culture icon. 

Read more info {here}