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Green Lantern's Ryan Reynolds: no stranger to superhero films!
Article by: Rumer Certeza

ryan reynolds green lantern movie

Photo: EW 
Careful where you point that ring, buddy.

A switch from Marvel to DC! Ryan Reynolds sure has the best of both worlds. If you think the actor's role as the wise-cracking hitman Deadpool in 'X-Men's Origins: Wolverine' last year was mind-blowing, prepare yourself as he gears up for the upcoming 'Green Lantern' flick.

And don't think the 'Van Wilder' star was spared of the intense life-threatening stunts required for the action sequences of the film. He didn't have a choice!

He refers to his breathtaking experience being strapped into a wire harness for the flying scenes.

"The first time you do it, you're deeply considering an adult diaper," the Canadian born actor confesses to EW.com.

Not to mention his strict regimen which was a plus factor preparing for those extreme fight scenes.

"You spend one day a week eating what you want and the other six days eating drywall and wood chips," Reynolds joked.

He also admits that his role as Deadpool in the 'X-Men' which he co-stars with Hugh Jackman, isn't the same as playing the hero with the power ring.

"Green Lantern is a totally different bag of tricks than Deadpool. I wouldn't think twice about playing a cop in one movie and an FBI agent in another one."

Ryan Reynolds isn't the first to play two superheroes. Chris Evans fired up in 'The Fantastic Four' as the Torch, and will suit up as Captain America in 'The Avengers,' as well as a solo film.

Finally, a Green Lantern movie! What took you guys so long?