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Mosquitoes in the US test positive for West Nile Virus!
Article by: Dr Zoe Arugay

mosquitoes west nile virus

Photo: Getty Images
This would be the best time to maximize indoor activities and forget about going out for a while. Mossies carrying a lethal virus has made its mark in several areas in the US.

While most of us have learned to live with those pesky insects and their annoying bites, more Americans should be a bit cautious now about trying to avoid these flying critters who have tested positive as carriers of the West Nile virus.

In fact, the West Nile virus has spread rampantly throughout many areas of the world including the United States, where reports have surfaced that the summer months are when the disease is very common. The peak time for both mosquito activity and virus transfer has got to be within the months of July, August and September, where a majority of the cases are documented.

American researchers have currently reported that they have discovered the mosquitoes to test positive for West Nile Virus in areas such as California, Washington, New York and North Carolina. While it is also possible that the disease has reached other cities and states, no confirmation has been made regarding this.

Aedes species, South Africa

The West Nile virus is usually a self limiting disease wherein the symptoms are not really obvious among those infected. Fatalities are possible if the virus makes it to the brain, yet such occurences are considered rare.

Some ways you can limit your chances of acquiring the virus via mosquito bites includes wearing long pants and long sleeves, the use of insect spray, and as much as possible, reducing your outdoor activities during the evening and night hours.