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'Virginity Test' Developed By A Vietnamese Acupuncturist!
Article by: Dr Zoe Arugay

Ask a few people how they think they can determine if someone is still a virgin and you'll get a tapestry of interesting responses, most of them just being witty. But seriously, can you actually tell medically if anyone is a virgin? The answer would be "no."

However, an acupuncturist in Vietnam believes otherwise.

Traditional medicine practitioner Pham Thi Hong claims she can vouch for these innocent men. Their virginity can be proven by examining the back of their ears - a little red dot is all she looks for. This dot disappears after heterosexual sex and is not affected by homosexual sex nor masturbation.

Hong is very confident in her method that she went to the extent of having President Nguyen

Minh Triet re-examine the case of three accused men of gang rape in 2000, sentenced to 16 years in prison.

She would seem loony that way. However, it was astonishing that she may be right. When investigators revisited the case, they discovered flaws, including the fact that testimonies of witnesses indicating their innocence were not included in the case's files, according to the local Pioneer newspaper. The three accused men were eventually released in January.

Hong relates that she was first trained to determine if a man has had sex by feeling their pulse. (Cause it instantly rises at her slightest touch?). She later developed her ear-method all by herself.

This method was met with much skepticism, even among traditional medicine practitioners.

Portrait of a young woman holding a tea cup Model Release: Yes Property Release: NA

Is she a virgin? 

So how do you detect a virgin?

In women, the hymen is usually the evidence, but it never is strong enough to answer your question. The problem though is that some women were not even born with a hymen. And among those who have it, some of them will have hymens that stretch during intercourse instead of getting ruptured. And then some of them sporty types have their hymen ruptured due to their athletic activities.

My legal medicine professor put it best: The only way you'll know for sure if anyone is not a virgin is when they say so. Of course, this is still up for further discussion as there are other types of virgins as demi virgins, but that would be another topic.