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Adrien Brody: The action star??
Article by: Rumer Certeza

adrien brody

Adrien Brody
Photo: Getty Images
Adrien Brody. You'd associate the actor with notable performances and the works, but an action star? You gotta be kidding!

The 37-year-old New York native has made his mark in Tinseltown, especially after being critically acclaimed and widely recognized for his role in Roman Polanski's 'The Pianist,' in 2002.  That's besides being the youngest actor ever to win the Academy Award for best actor in a leading role.  Yet, an 'action hero' doesn't quite register inside a multitude of minds.  Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, or even Christian Bale fits the moniker to a 't.'  When you think Brody, 'skinny' pops up in your head.

"The comment is constantly like 'skinny actor.' I'm thin. I'm not skinny at all," says the 'King Kong' star, showing traces of irritation. "It's that they harp on a physical thing, because I don't think there's a question about my ability as an actor."  No question there, buddy.

But brace yourself people, because you'll be witnessing another side of the actor with Robert Rodriguez's 1987 sci-fi reboot of the 'Predators,' which originally starred muscleman governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Hasta la vista, baby! Hmm. I think that was another movie. Anyway, take note ladies because you'll see a beefed-up, chunky version of Brody in this alien-infested flick. Yummy! Don't get excited. I was referring to my fudgee bar.

Actor Adrien Brody

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Adrien Brody. 

In this remake, the 'Splice' actor portrays a hard nosed mercenary who leads a group of assassins through a not-so friendly jungle of an alien planet, where they have been assigned to eliminate a threatening breed of alien species. And for Brody, this role was hard-earned through blood, sweat and tears. Yesiree. It was no walk in the park for the actor, having to actually morph from skinny to 'hunk-a-licious' in a matter of time. Oops. Where did that word come from?

Confesses the star, "It's  a role that a studio wouldn't necessarily have me on a list for. And I had to kind of do some convincing, that I'm capable of physical transformation." 

Show them ladies the six pack, pal.

Initially, the film's producer, Rodriguez, believed Brody to be right for the movie but offered the actor a smaller role, in which the latter refused, arguing that he prefers the lead character instead. Eventually, the star lived up to the movie's intense physical demands which gave him the thumbs up sign for the role.

Even the actor's co-star, Laurence Fishburne, who plays a hermit discovered residing in the alien planet, contradicts the hype that Brody is an unlikely action hero material.  "I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer. I just can't. Adrien is a really terrific actor. He has range, he has intelligence," praised the 'Matrix' star.

Let's take a sneak preview of Brody's  strict physical regimen, shall we? Besides training with heavy weights and skipping the alcohol and sugar, he ate six meals a day, lean complex carbohydrates and proteins, supplements, shakes, oatmeal, to add 25 pounds of lean muscle. And his new physique definitely caught the filmmakers off-guard. Yowza!

The actor will also star in the spy thriller, "The Experiment," as well as the Woody Allen film "Midnight in Paris." Note that down, avid followers.

Not only does the movie get a complete reboot, but so does Adrien Brody. High five, my man!