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robert pattinson and kristen stewart new moon italy paris france relationship taylor lautner
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, plus Taylor Lautner were spotted last night at the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). The 'Twilight' trio will visit the romantic city of Paris to promote their new film 'New Moon'. Check out the photo gallery HERE. Kristen Stewart recently told the reporters during the Beverly Hills, CA press conference of 'New Moon', that she enjoyed shooting in Europe.

Kristen Stewart told the reporters:
"The fact that we didn’t have to be on a set and we were really in Italy, it makes it so much easier to immerse yourself in this world. It was so cool that we got to go to Italy and that we didn’t have to fake it…. To go from Forks to Italy is such a stark contrast and romantic just in the idea of it. So then to be there and feel it, of course it helps to have the real environment."

Meanwhile, Kristen Stewart's co-star and rumored boyfriend Robert Pattinson believes that being English means he doesn't have to worry too much about his looks. Robert Pattinson, the 23 year old British actor who plays the role of Edward Cullen, is claiming that there is a less pressure on him than his US counterparts to have a perfect appearance because British people are renowned for their bad teeth.

Robert Pattinson revealed:
"I just wanted to make an American film, and I wanted to be relatively good in it. I have never pushed to do anything. As soon as you start going to the gym every day and try to look like a movie star, you're going down a worrisome track. Being an English guy you get a lot more breaks. You're allowed to look a little worse. It's that thing about English teeth. Although Canadian teeth are pretty bad as well!" (Photo Credit: Fame Pictures)