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oprah winfrey

Article by: Rumer Certeza
Photo: Fame 
Kitty Kelley, celebrity biographer, was expecting more media warmth out of her controversial bio on Oprah Winfrey.

During her interview with New York Times Magazine, Kelley says that in the promotion of her new book she has already been refused by broadcast journalist Barbara Walters who fears a possible dent in her relationship with Oprah. This includes David Letterman, Larry King, Charlie Rose among others who won't risk their friendship with the talk show queen over an interview.

However, Kitty has found a soft spot in 'The Warren Pierce Show' which the show's producer Rachel Nevada elaborates that Kelly's book and the story on blackmailing are exactly hot topics she likes to see the show explore.

Other radio and TV shows have given the cold shoulder in promoting the Kelley's book. An appearance on Oprah Winfrey has major selling power and risk backlash from loyal fans.