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breaking dawn director

Article by: Carlo Diokno

Bill Condon, the director of the much anticipated finale of the 'Twilight Saga' series wrote a note to fans of the popular franchise.

Condon, the writer and director of the award winning musical film 'Dreamgirls' is obviously very excited to work as the the director of 'Breaking Dawn'. He greeted the fans: "Greetings Twihards, Twifans, Twilight Moms, Team Edward, Team Jacob and Team Switzerland," isn't he cute?

Condon revealed that he read the 'Breaking Dawn' book twice, and reviewed the previous movies to prepare, and of course, to satisfy the fans. He said: "I'm pretty busy bringing myself up to speed on what you already know by heart: I've read BREAKING DAWN twice, rewatched Catherine's and Chris's movies 2-3 times each, have all four CDs playing in my car, and have Catherine's notebook, Mark Cotta Vaz's companion books, and even Volume 1 of the graphic novel here on my desk - a corner of my office is starting to look like Hot Topic. 

He continues, "I realize that this barely qualifies me for "newborn" status in the universe you've been living inside for a few years now, but a guy's gotta start somewhere."

Bill Condon also added that he's very excited to work with 'Twilight' stars Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner. Oh by the way, he's also a fan. "I'm a huge admirer of the already-iconic Kristen, Robert, and Taylor, and wanted to be the one to work with them as they face the challenges of bringing your beloved characters to the end of their journeys," he said, and asked the question: "Really, what could be more fun than that?"

Condon ended his note with humor, "P.S. Answer #1: No, there won't be any musical numbers."