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robert pattinson and kristen stewart faux rumors
Like what the fans did on Twitter, Rob's on-screen dad Peter Facinelli also greeted Kristen Stewart! He told his Twitter followers: "#Happy birthday kristen (spaces not included) Time flies. I knew you when you were just a teen."

In related news, Rob and Kristen are both prone to faux news and even manipulated/photoshopped photos. After Kristen's 20th birthday last Friday, 'interesting articles' and edited snaps have surfaced on the internet. Here's one article and photo, claiming that Kristen Stewart "is in Budapest" right now (I Mean, now not yesterday or tomorrow), or they just tried to explain the photo?

Anyway, here's another one, a fan blog of R-Pattz decoded the recently released manip photo of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, hugging, and was even posted with an article claiming that the 'sparkly one' and the birthday girl are in Hungary together, with her parents.

Oh well..