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ashley greene

Article by: Sassyqarla Staff
Photos: Fame 
Despite being the center of the hot issue circulating the 'Twilight' world, Ashley Greene stepped out, and looking fabulous with her white top, big white bag and skinny jeans. She looked so pure, but, I wanna see her pocket and count her money, haha just kidding.

Anyway, according to photogs, Ashley visited a friend in Studio City, California on May 11, 2010.

ashley greene breaking dawn

Ashley, one of the pioneer stars of the 'Twilight Saga' movie -  is facing a paycheck issue. According to earlier reports, Miss Greene, together with Kellan Lutz, are demanding for a salary increase for the second 'Breaking Dawn' movie.

A source of Entertainment Weekly revealed that Ashley Greene and Kellan Lutz "believe that because the supporting actors do as much publicity as the lead actors, and have to log almost as many hours on set, they should be paid accordingly." The gossip site also added that the two actors mentioned want to get a million bucks or more. 

Gimme gimme more gimme more whoo! (A Britney Spears song)