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jesse james steps out in public

Article by: Carlo Diokno
Photos: Fame

OMG, I want to check my eyes if it's still working. Do you see what I see? It's Sandra Bullock's cheater husband Jesse James steps out, and allowed the photogs to capture it!

Self proclaimed "most hated man in the world" Jesse James took a break from work at his West Coast Choppers garage in Long Beach, California on May 26, 2010. OMG, he walks with confidence, he's like saying "who cares".

According to photogs, Sandra Bullock's tattooed biker husband stopped to pet a dog that was being walked by two attractive women before making his way to Cisco Burgers with a male friend. Check out Jesse's photo while cuddling a dog:

sandra bullock husband jesse james

I just want to ask Jesse James if he will watch Sandra Bullock on MTV Movie Awards? I think so, but sorry Jesse, some websites say Sandra didn't watch your 'Nightline' interview.