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Lindsay Lashes at Joan Rivers... From the Grave??
Article by Kathleen Valones

Despite Lindsay’s reckless lifestyle, it still comes as a shock to learn of rumors that LiLo was supposedly pronounced dead today, July 14. The stories go on to say that it was from an apparent overdose of coke. There has been no confirmation yet from reliable sources, so until then, Lindsay is still up for some 90 days in the slammer. No excuses there, Lindsay.

lindsay lohan joan rivers

Lindsay Lohan
Photo: Fame
Meanwhile, one of the last tweets we’ve heard from Lindsay was her lashing out on Joan Rivers.

It started when Rivers slammed at Lindsay regarding her jail sentence – saying LiLo was was "so dumb" and that the "new Lindsay Lohan diet is all liquid. 80 proof.”
Lindsay tweeted, "Joan Rivers and her 'stargument' make me believe that she and Michael Lohan are a match made in heaven."

She later added, "All he needs is her botox doctor. 'Dr.' Drew – any ideas? Botox rehab reality show?" This pertaining to Celebrity Rehab's Dr. Drew Pinksy, who once said the star needed to get arrested in order to get help.

So Dr. Drew responded, "Thanks @lindsaylohan sounds like a terrific plan! Actually happy to see you have retained your sense of humor despite your circumstances.”
Lindsay was later like, "In the words of 50 cent, ‘You shouldn't throw stones if you live in a glass house and if you got a glass jaw, you should watch yo mouth.’"

Where in the world are ya hiding now, Linds?

Extra Read: Chupacabras Are So Hot!

Creepy or not? Well, they look even more adorable than other celebs out there.

But on a serious note, Google users are currently searching for Chupacabra pictures on the internet. I found one, they're like dogs, but thinner and hairless.

One big question, Are Bizarre Canines in Hood County Really Chupacabras? 

See it {here}